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Sunday, 11 August 2019

The easy way to donate a used car in California

Have a used car that is not used? confused want to be controlled, do not let your car parked full of dust in your home garage.

Maybe for some people selling it becomes the first choice, because it can make money and be used for other purposes.

But that's all too common, there are other ways to make use of that unused used car, by donating it in California. Especially donate to social foundations. Your used car will be very useful for the foundation because it will be used for foundation purposes, such as the foundation's operational activities in California.

How to donate it?
1. Fix the car
Before donating your car, you should check the car first, if something is broken you should fix it first so as not to burden the foundation if the condition of the car is damaged
2. Find a foundation in California that really needs a car
3. Pay your car tax
4. Contact the notary for administrative processes
That was the way to donate your used car that is not used to the foundation in California.

May be useful

thank you

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